Police staff went beyond the call of duty and dug deep when an 11-year-old boy's presents were stolen.

When the boy, who does not wish to be named, reported the theft, staff at Braintree police station dipped into their own pockets and gave him money to replace them.

Supt Sue Harrison today said the whole station was proud of service desk supervisor Hilary Willmot, service desk assistants Carol Bailey, Tracey Oliver and Mandy Kemp and PC Sarah Wadforth for their kind actions.

Mrs Bailey said: "When he came to the front desk, it was obvious he was very upset. Afterwards we got talking about it and decided we wanted to help him out."

The boy, who lives in Braintree, had been shopping at the end of last year when he accidentally left Christmas presents he had bought for his parents in Victoria Street car park.

He returned to the car park to find another group of youngsters had taken the gifts.

Published Tuesday, March 5, 2002