Little Kiera Simons, who touched the hearts of many, has died.

The youngster, the only child of Jennie and Sean Simons of Brightlingsea, died at home aged five years and four months.

Kiera, born seven weeks prematurely, suffered from the rare carbohydrate deficient glyco protein syndrome and she also had visual and hearing impairments.

The little girl had spent much time in and out of hospital and hospices and went to Colchester General last Tuesday for investigations as it was thought she either had an infection or problems with her tonsils.

But her parents were told things were not looking good and they took her home.

She died on Saturday.

In a moving tribute, her mother said: "We felt her body was telling us she had had enough, and the main thing is she is at peace now.

"Many times in her life we were told she would not make it and her death was exactly how we always envisaged it would be. She was at home, we were with her, and she just went to sleep.

"We are coming to terms with it as best we can, remembering we gave her everything we could and we have no guilt.

"We are happy for her to be in a happy place."

Mrs Simons thanked all those who had supported the family and who, she said, would continue to support them, including the hospitals and hospice were Kiera was helped and Windsor School at Clacton where she had loved being a pupil for about two years.

A service for Kiera will be held at Weeley Crematorium on March 12. It will be family flowers only, but donations may be made to Little Haven Children's Hospice.

Published Tuesday, March 5, 2002