The burden of buying new school uniforms if Braintree's Chapel Hill School closed has been raised by a council executive member.

The fate of the troubled school, which could close if standards do not improve, was brought up at a Braintree Council executive meeting last night.

Richard Tincknell, executive member for leisure and culture, said Essex County Council has two options: to keep the school open with an intensive programme of support to raise standards; or to close it in the summer and "moth-ball" it for three years and open a new school on the site.

If the school closed, he would seek assurances of support for parents who would face buying a school uniform for their children for a different school.

He said Essex County Council had not given assurances children would go to the same schools, which would mean they would wear different uniforms.

Members agreed a report on the issues Mr Tincknell raised would go to the Braintree area committee

Published Tuesday, March 5, 2002