County councillors have seen first hand the work carers do at residential homes in the area.

A group of visitors including Julie Young, Theresa Higgins and Derek Robinson dropped in to a residential care home run by Mencap in Colchester.

Staff got the chance to tell the visitors about their role and the rewards they get from caring during the visit organised as part of the social care in Essex campaign.

The campaign is part of a partnership between the county council and independent care providers to raise the profile of carers and in the long-term to recruit more carers which are desperately needed in the county.

Maggie Jones, who works in social care in Essex, said: "It's a great job for someone who likes to help, who can think about other people, who is patient and kind."

For information on becoming a carer call the social care in Essex free phone number 0800 1691443.

Published Tuesday, March 5, 2002