A south Essex college is set to make the business community a priority with the official opening of a new state-of-the-art business training facility.

South East Essex College this week officially launches its new business development centre on London Road, Southend.

It is be based in a new two-storey, 800 sq metre facility dedicated to meeting the training needs of local firms.

Business service - Elaine McPhie, South East Essex College service delivery manager, and Marilyn Webb, employer links manager 7RFJB2

The new centre, which replaces the college's previous business unit on the Carnarvon Road site, boasts more than 70 PC work stations and will be used as a training base, a drop-in centre for students in need of facilities, and a guidance centre for people hoping to enhance their career pros-pects through training.

Employer links manager Marilyn Webb said: "What we are trying to offer to employers is business solutions.

"It's all about flexibility - that's what's businesses want." To reserve a place at the launch on Thursday, call Jocelyn Welch on 01702 220462.

Published Tuesday, March 5, 2002