A schoolboy is taking part in a bungee jump in memory of his mother.

Gill Fenech, 40, of Chestnut Walk, Chelmsford, died from cancer last year.

Now her 15-year-old son Adrian has decided to leap 200ft to raise money for the Helen Rollason Cancer Care chemotherapy suite at Broomfield Hospital.

Helping hand - Adrian French will be getting some help with his bungee jump

Adrian will be joined by hairdressers from The Hair Shop in New LondonRoad, Chelmsford, for the leap on April 1 at a fun day at the Red Lion pub in Margaretting.

Adrian said: "Although on the day I may be nervous, I am looking forward to the experience and feel very privileged to be doing this bungee jump in memory of my mum"

Mrs Fenech's cousin Sara Sach owns the salon so she and her colleagues decided to help raise money too.

Those who want to take part are being asked to raise at least £50 in sponsorship. Contact Sara Hobbin on 01245 513033.

Published Tuesday, March 5, 2002