In a crucial match which both teams were desperate to win to ease their relegation fears, Chelmsford produced the goals and deservedly came away with all three points.

The home side dominated from the first whistle and the only surprise was that they were only one goal up at half time.

When Doncaster did win possession, Chelmsford's front runners put them under pressure and forced them into several errors.

It was no surprise when Chelmsford took the lead midway through the first half.

Veteran striker Lynn Bollington pinched the ball off the Doncaster defence and immediately fed Tracy Willmore.

She was left with just the goalkeeper to beat and she kept her nerve to coolly go round her and slot the ball into an empty net.

Chelmsford continued to control the game in the second half but with only one goal in it Doncaster always felt they were in with a shout.

The Chelmsford defence held firm however and marshalled excellently by Wooding whose distribution was also superb, they never looked like conceding.

The Essex side eventually killed the game off by scoring a second goal. Another Wooding penalty corner was only partially saved and Tracy Comber scrambled the ball over the line.

Published Tuesday, March 5, 2002