Two musical sisters have been hitting all the right notes

Claire and Louise Appleby are both members of Manningtree Squadron Air Training Corps.

They were selected with one other cadet from Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex to take part in the annual Corps National Music Camp at the Royal Air Force College at Cranwell in Lincolnshire.

Flight sergeant Claire Appleby, 17, a student at Colchester Sixth Form College, and cadet Louise Appleby, 15, a pupil at Manningtree High School, are both also members of the squadron's marching band.

They tool part in the prestigious annual event, along with 35 cadets from across the United Kingdom.

During the week-long camp, they spent time in various tutored workshops, training and rehearsing with the band of the RAF College, Cranwell, for the culmination of the week, a joint charity concert attended by senior officers and parents.

As well as the music training, the cadets visited the famous Red Arrows and enjoyed a full programme of social events, including visiting the historic College Hall.

Louise said after the concert: "I have had many great times with the ATC but this is the best activity I have ever been on and hope to be selected again next year."

Her sister Claire said: "I really enjoyed myself and learned a great deal as well as having a fun time."

Flying officer Ralph Appleby, the squadron training officer and proud father, attended the concert along with other members of the squadron staff.

He said afterwards: "It was impossible to tell who were the professional musicians and who were the cadets."

Published Tuesday, March 5, 2002