Hundreds of patients will get long-awaited cataract operations during the next month, it was revealed today.

A special team from Manchester has been brought in to help reduce the lengthy waiting list at a cost of £230,000.

Its work is being paid for by Essex Rivers Healthcare NHS Trust. Tendring Primary Care Trust (PCT) has provided operating theatre facilities at Harwich Hospital.

It is expected to deal with about 300 patient operations by March 31, as well as 150 outpatient appointments.

Nancy Duffus, chairman of Tendring PCT's older persons' special interest group, said it was great news and welcomed the initiative.

"I understand 25 people from Clacton and Holland-on-Sea had operations on Saturday and a similar number on Sunday," she said.

"This will continue throughout March. I am absolutely delighted. We have been pushing for this for about a year. It is long overdue."

Paul Unsworth, chief executive of Tendring PCT, said the team brought in were from the National Ophthalmology Centre.

He said the PCT was looking at what it could do to bring down waiting times for cataract operations for residents in Tendring. At the same time, Essex Rivers wanted to reduce its lists before the end of March to meet Government targets.

"The team from Manchester provides its own surgeons and operating staff. We came up with the theatre at Harwich Hospital, which is not being used every day," he said.

A spokesman for Essex Rivers Healthcare NHS Trust said it was a perfect example of the private and public sector working together.

It will reduce waiting times to a maximum of 12 months.

Published Tuesday, March 5, 2002