Veteran councillor Roy Smith today announced that he will not be rejoining the Labour Party at the end of a three-year suspension and will stand as an independent.

Mr Smith, 78, was suspended last week following a hearing before a panel of the National Party, in Clacton.

He has taken time to think over his future and turned down a number of invitations to join up with other groups.

"I have decided that at this stage I will be a true independent and not link up with anyone else," he said.

"The main decision I have come to is to wash my hands of the Labour Party after more than 30 years.

"I will not be seeking to renew my membership when my suspension is over."

There are two independents on Essex County Council, the other is from Loughton.

"The Labour Party has been a huge part of my life for more than 30 years but things change," he added.

"I have no regrets and will continue to stick to my principles of serving the community."

A number of allegations made against Mr Smith were not proved at the disciplinary hearing.

However, it was decided he had undermined colleagues' campaigns at the General Election and county council elections.