The retired longest serving detective with Essex Police has said there are too many rules and regulations for today's officers.

Ex-Supt David Bright, who was awarded the MBE in 1992, retired from Essex Police in December 1999 after serving for 33 years, three months, three weeks and three days.

And, while he says he misses the adrenaline buzz and the company of fellow officers, he does not miss the job as there is far too much bureaucracy and red tape in the force today.

When he retired, Mr Bright became a police adviser to television programmes and his latest, the National Crime Squad, Britain's answer to the FBI, is back on the box on BBC 1 at 9pm tonight.

He said: "The police do an excellent job and I cannot praise enough the people doing the job now, detectives in particular plus uniform and civilian support staff.

"There is no finer job. My ambition from the age of seven was to be a detective and I thank God I was able to do it.

"Those who come into the job today accept the conditions as the norm but the job is not the way it used to be.

"There are so many rules and red tape."

NCS: Manhunt is on BBC1 at 9pm starring Keith Barron, Steven Berkoff and Anita Dobson

Published Monday, March 4, 2002