A young mum who was stabbed, punched and kicked by her "loving" partner has saved him from going to jail.

She withdrew her statement against David Brace, 23, after he made several frenzied attacks.

Then girlfriend Louise, 21, urged his barrister to explain to Basildon Crown Court he was "a loving man, except in drink".

Judge Nicholas Jones told Brace, who has fought an alcohol problem, he was not going to prison in view of what Louise had said.

Instead, the judge imposed community penalties on Brace, who pleaded guilty to causing Louise actual bodily harm.

Brace had been drinking for most of the day before returning to the couple's home in Sabina Road, Chadwell St Mary.

Prosecutor Lindsey Thompson said the trouble began when Brace started to demand money from Louise, who has two children.

Miss Thompson said he began by pushing Louise, then punched and kicked her, knocking her to the ground.

She went to her car and returned with £25.

But shortly afterwards, Brace kicked in a bedroom door. He punched and kicked Louise again before grabbing a 12-inch knife.

He slashed her arm leaving a wound which needed five stitches, added Miss Thompson.

Police were called to the house and Brace, who has a robbery conviction, was arrested.

His barrister, Janet Johnson, told the judge that Brace had "thrown a grenade" into the couple's stormy relationship.

But she has since forgiven him and retracted the assault statement she made to police. Louise claimed he was a loving partner who was kind to her children.

Miss Johnson went on: "She would like him to return home from court with her. He has said sorry for the way he behaved."

The judge told Brace: "I am conscious of the fact your partner wants you back and you have come to terms with your alcohol problems."

He said instead of prison, Brace must serve a three-year community rehabilitation order (formerly probation) and work 70 hours community service.

Published Monday, March 4, 2002