Basildon homeowners were today promised a major boost in services - including a major clean-up campaign -- in return for an inflation-busting 9.6 per cent increase in council tax.

The rise was approved by a Labour/Liberal Democrat coalition at Basildon Council despite a Tory proposal that would have cost 1.38 per cent less.

Basildon Council's tax demand will be added to the final bill, made up of Essex County Council's charge for services like education and the fire and police authorities.

Council leader John Potter (Lab, Fryerns East) called his budget "prudent" and "essential to continue to allow the council to attract investment and jobs".

The budget included a price freeze on pensioners' concessionary fares agreed last month, the purchase of new cemetery land, and £40,00 to replace the Towngate Theatre boiler.

Stephen Horgan (Con, Billericay West) said: "More money is going out of the door than in. This council tax rise is five times the rate of inflation. They are going to have to increase it by another 10.7 per cent in 2003."

He said Tories would cut funding to the Towngate because it is "an embarrassment", and that neighbourhood committees are "by and large not working".

Published Monday, March 4, 2002