An acclaimed artist is to travel to America to present a bronze bust of the famous indian Sitting Bull to tribal descendants.

Bryan Mickleburgh of Hainault Close, Hadleigh, has been fascinated with the Wild West for many years and started up his own costume and prop hire company for television and film.

Two years ago he presented a life-size bronze statue of Buffalo Bill Cody to the American people which takes pride of place in North Platte, Nebraska, at the city's Cody Park.

Lloyd's of London has insured the bronze for an incredible £500,000 and it is guarded by security day and night in a bulletproof case. President Bill Clinton even wrote to Bryan to thank him for the gift.

Bryan said: "The presentation of the bronze was the first gift of a statue to America since the Statue of Liberty in 1886."

Buffalo Bill Cody created a Wild West show included cowboys, indians, sharpshooters and ropers, re-enacting historic events in American history.

The courageous indian Sitting Bull joined the Buffalo Bill show in 1885 as a way of making money to support his people.

In June, Bryan will travel back to Cody Park to present Sitting Bull's great-great-granddaughter with the latest bronze bust.

US trip - Bryan Mickleburgh with his bronze bust of Sitting Bull which he will present to the famous warrior's family


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