Brought to you by the Evening Echo

A nightclub is in line for a £1 million revamp which owners hope will make it the most spectacular in Southend.

Adlib nightclub in Lucy Road will reopen at Easter as Chameleon, complete with walls which change colour throughout the night.

The project, undertaken by owners Northern Leisure, is the latest in a line of renovations to Southend nightspots, and manager Glen Freeman said it would attract even more people to the area.

He said: "It is new, it is a change, it is something fresh, and hopefully it will put the sex back into Essex clubbing.

"We are looking to take things to a new level, it is going to be the nicest venue in the town and will attract more clubbers to Southend.

"Like the chameleon which blends in with its surroundings - the walls are going to change colour as the night evolves."

Clubbers will witness a complete change to the old Adlib. The old VIP bar overlooking the club is to be replaced by a plush entrance to the main room, accessed by a spiral staircase.

Mr Freeman, 30, added the rest of the club would look just as different, with contractors completely ripping the insides out.

He said: "They are working 12 hours a day, seven days a week to get it finished in time for Easter. The new ceiling is already in and it is looking very good."

Chameleon is the latest in a number of Southend clubs to get the makeover treatment over the last two years.

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