The growing crisis in accessing Health care services on the fast developing Wick Meadows estate in Wickford is to be made a major priority in a health action plan being developed for Billericay and Wickford residents.

At a stormy Wickford Area Committee meeting held recently residents complained about the perceived lack of doctors and difficulty of getting to services in the area.

One of Billericay and Wickford Primary Care Group's key goals in its Locality Action Plan for 2000 to 2003 is set to be improving the accessibility of services and the Wick has now been highlighted as a particular problem area.

The PCG's Head of Health Improvement, Matthew Smith, said: "We are set to look very closely at the Wick Meadows and the surrounding area.

"It has seen an increase in population much higher than elsewhere in South Essex and we have to look at the impact of that.

"The LAP will get the go ahead at the end of March and we hope to get cracking on an assessment of what is needed on the Wick both within General Practice provision and community services."

Wickford councillors are hoping the PCG will also provide assistance in resolving the transport problems on the Wick.

Elderly people and young mothers are often left stranded due to lack of buses and there are concerns this leads to social isolation and often makes it impossible to attend surgeries or health centres.

Cllr Malcolm Buckley, of Wickford South, said: "I am delighted they are trying to address the issues raised by Wickford people, but I would like to see more details.

"Their support for better transport could have a valuable influence on the future policy of the county council and put some pressure on private bus companies."

The PCG hopes to provide services which respond to the way the two towns are developing and is working in partnership with other agencies to utilise the current resources for the benefit of both Billericay and Wickford residents.

Mr Smith said: "We do have limits on our resources both human and financial, but we want to use these as effectively as possible. We are at the moment looking at the capacity of our facilities.

''For example further development of services at the St Andrew's Centre in Stock Road, Billericay, could allow us to provide more out reach and out patient services there."

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.