A village school on an Essex blacklist because of its cramped buildings, could move to new premises in Rayleigh.

St Nicholas Church of England primary school in Church Lane, Rawreth, is officially among the 30 worst schools in the county because of the number of problems with its buildings.

At Monday's Education committee meeting, Essex County councillors will discuss a plan to build new premises for the school a mile and half away, next door to the former Park School, Rayleigh.

A county education spokesman said: "There are 93 children at the school which has a very small hall and one permanent classroom. There are two demountable classrooms, and another one on its way.

"The lack of a proper sized hall was criticised by Ofsted. Lunchtimes are very difficult, and indoor physical education and games are a major problem. We can't develop the site because of planning restrictions.

"There is a possibility the school could be transferred to brand new premises next to the old Park School site. It means taking the school out of the village, however, the majority of the pupils do not come from Rawreth. They come from outside of the village. The school functions well, but it could work better with proper facilities."

Now the school and its governors are considering the proposals. Headteacher Mrs Carol Bright said: "St Nicholas School is facing a real dilemma. We want what is best for the pupils at the school, who deserve better facilities than we can provide at the moment - in particular the lack of a proper sized hall and a growing number of temporary classrooms.

"Such a big decision must reflect local views as well as our commitment to provide the best learning environment."

Children from Wickford and Rayleigh currently attend the school, though more of them live on the other side of the A130 to the school. If approved, the new school with 210 places could be open within three years.

To reach that stage there would need to be decisions from the governors, education committee, the Department of Education and Employment, and a finance plan.

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