A development scheme that was set to safeguard waterside businesses in Maldon has been rejected by councillors.

District councillors last night narrowly threw out plans to create a special development of offices and workshops with seven new homes on East/West Moorings at Fullbridge.

The scheme was rejected at last night's central area sub committee where councillors voted by five to four to refuse the plan by Grove Homes Ltd.

It will now go to the council's main planning committee for a final decision. Officers had recommended approval.

Roy Pipe (Ind Con, Maldon North West) described the scheme as "emotional blackmail".

"We are being told if we want to see the businesses remain, we have got to have the houses to pay for it. If we want Maldon to look like Burnham on Crouch with houses overlooking the river, fine. But if we want to retain Maldon's waterside character, it is not."

Workshops on the site were destroyed by fire 18 months ago. Under the scheme, the three businesses who still operate from the site would be retained in their own workshop and the existing houseboat occupiers would also stay.

Mike Cook, development control officer, said the proposal still retained the general waterside character of the area and was, on balance, as good a scheme as could be hoped for.

But Tom Kelly (Con, Maldon South) said it was contrary to protecting waterside uses.

"How can you protect against housing development on the other side of the river?" he asked. Brian Mead (Ind, Maldon North West) said he was in favour of the proposal.

"Maldon Riverside Association and the Maldon Society support it and if they are happy so am I. It never looked very pleasant even before the fire."

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