A street-skating area in a Rayleigh park has been rejected - because it is the wrong location.

Rochford councillors turned down the idea for Sweyne Park, but did not rule it out altogether, saying another place could be found for it.

Members of the council's community service committee last night bowed to opposition from residents who live near the park which borders Sweyne Park school in London Road, Rayleigh.

Tony Galloway, head of leisure and client services, agreed with members that the playspace audit - which will look at the entire district's needs, wants and provision for children's playspaces - was the proper forum to discuss the street-skating scheme.

Admitting his department had learned lessons from a controversial aerial runway at Doggetts Close, Rochford, Mr Galloway assured members consultation with ward councillors and residents would be carried out before any decision over the placing of such a scheme was taken.

However, Nick Harris, (Lib Dem, Rayleigh Central) said he wondered where children would be allowed to play in future.

He said: "Consultation should not be with just particular ward members and residents adjacent to the proposed site, it should also include other residents who have children, and perhaps organisations such as the Youth Service.

"Sweyne Park is the largest park we've got. What place in the district is suitable for such a scheme?

"I would think Sweyne Park is the most suitable given its size. Clearly we should consult very widely but we must also come up with a list of suitable locations that could hold these facilities."

Sylvia Lemon (Lib Dem, Downhall) said: "Our kids are said to be unhealthy because we sold off all their playing fields. Where else is there left for them to play?"

Mr Galloway suggested the provision of a street-skating facility be considered for funding from the 2001/2002 programme with an approximate cost set at £25,000.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.