A teenager was robbed by a woman in the toilets at Clacton Railway Station.

It is the second robbery to take place at the station in the past two weeks and British Transport Police are stepping up patrols at the site.

DC Alan Reed said the 14-year-old girl - who was on the way to Clacton County High School - was approached by the woman in the ladies' toilets.

"She started up a perfectly normal conversation but then it turned nasty and she demanded money from the victim," he said.

"At no time was a weapon used but the schoolgirl was very upset, shocked and angry."

He said she handed over a small amount of money and the woman made her escape.

"It was a very nasty incident for the victim and her parents want this woman caught," he added.

"Bearing in mind this was the second offence in two weeks patrols are being increased at the station."

DC Reed said the robber in the latest incident was 20 to 25-years-old with blonde hair and of a large build.

She was about 5ft 8ins tall and wore a blue top and black trousers.

The incident happened between 8.45am and 9am on Tuesday. The girl had stopped off at the station to use the toilets on her way to school. Her parents reported the robbery to the police.

DC Reed said it would have been a busy time at the station and transport police hope that someone may have seen the woman in the area, either before or running away.

He added that door-to-door inquiries had been carried out around the station.

Anyone who recognises the description or has any information should contact British Transport Police on 01473 693266 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

Last week a 14-year-old boy was assaulted at the station and his mobile phone was stolen. Four youths are in custody over that offence. The two incidents are not being linked.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.