Drivers got a taste of traffic chaos to come on the A127 as the road was shut after a gas leak.

Morning rush-hour commuters thought the roadworks - due to start on Friday - had come early as they were directed off the road at Rayleigh Weir - and followed diversions through Rayleigh.

One lane was reopened at around 7am - but the Southend-bound carriageway remained closed.

Police said gas workers were called out last night to repair a minor leak on the stretch of road between the A130 junction and Rayleigh Weir. It is believed the workers accidentally ripped part of a main gas line, causing a major leak.

A police spokesman this morning said the Southend-bound carriageway would be completely closed until late afternoon.

Drivers were being diverted through Rayleigh and the A13 to keep traffic moving, but queues soon mounted in both directions

Ironically, major roadworks are due to start on the exact same stretch of road on Friday as part of a £1 million improvement package.

One driver who was caught in the jams said: "You could smell the gas as you drove past even with windows shut. The traffic at 6.45am wasn't too bad, but I'm sure it got worse during the day.

"The gas company was out in force, as was the fire service and traffic police. It's amazing this happened just two days before the major roadworks. At least we know what it will be like on Friday."

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