Two brothers who subjected a man to a drunken and unprovoked attack in a pub have been jailed for three months.

Linden Cook, 27, of Munro Road, Witham, and Mitchell Cook, 32, of Cressing Road, Witham, were sentenced by Chelmsford magistrates yesterday after admitting a charge of assault causing actual bodily harm at a previous hearing.

The Cooks were also ordered to pay £250 each in compensation to the victim.

Jan Brewer, prosecuting, told the court how the brothers walked into the Cherry Tree pub in Witham last November and attacked their victim - punching him in the face and kicking him while he lay on the ground.

Miss Brewer told the court: "Mitchell Cook approached the injured party and hit him in the face. Both of the Cooks then began punching and kicking the injured party on the top half of the body."

She said even when the victim fell to the floor as he tried to get away, the beating continued. The man was not seriously injured.

Peter Butterfield, mitigating for the pair, said both men deeply regretted the attack.

"The explanation they give is not an excuse, but it is that they were drunk and they have no recollection of events. They are thoroughly ashamed and remorseful. Both realise the seriousness of these offences but it is out of character."

In sentencing, chairman of the bench Melvyne Crowe, said: "This offence was an unprovoked attack on an innocent party who just happened to get in the way.

"You also kicked the victim while he was on the ground and, because of this, we feel there is no alternative to a custodial sentence."

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