A Tory MP warned Conservative stalwarts there were three times more people waiting to see Southend consultants in 1999 compared to three years ago.

Chelmsford MP Simon Burns link text criticised the Government's management of the NHS as he spoke at Rochford and Southend East Conservative Women's Constituency Committee lunch.

The NHS should be free "at the point of delivery" but businesses should get tax breaks for offering private health insurance schemes to staff, added Mr Burns.

Ann Holland, chairman of the women's constituency committee, thanked members for attending the lunch at the Arlington Rooms, London Road, Leigh, and helping boost party funds over the last year.

Southend's head of operations and service development, Andrew Pike, disputed Mr Burns' remarks.

He said the hospital was on target to meet the Government's waiting list target to reduce the number of patients waiting more than 13 weeks to see a consultant to 1,296 by March next year.

He said: "In March we are planning to get the figure to 1,960 and reduce that by 700 over the year.

"I am unclear where Mr Burns has obtained his information from, and can only assume it is a mistake.

"We think we are doing a good job in coping with an eight per cent increase in demand this year."

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