Pensioners in Colchester are urged to rally together to form a local group to take action on issues affecting the elderly.

Cyril Williamson, 75, of Byron Avenue, Lexden, has organised a meeting in the light of growing concern among his friends and colleagues.

"Pensioners are just receiving notification of the 75 pence a week rise in state pension," he said. "And when you compare this to the £20 a week rise which MPs voted themselves it just does not seem fair."

Mr Williamson started the Friends of Wren House, which he and his wife Barbara, 62, live opposite, and he has close links with the elderly people who live there.

Many pensioners are worried about making ends meet and if they join together should be able to carry some political weight, he added.

A spokesman from the Pensioners Action Association, Essex Region, will be speaking at the meeting and Mr Williamson hopes that a local group can be formed if there is sufficient interest.

He has also invited Colchester MP Bob Russell and other local dignitaries to attend the meeting.

"I hope the meeting will bring together people who are interested in pensioners' issues and want to do something to help pensioners," he said.

The meeting will take place on Friday, March 10 at Cardinal Bourne Hall, Priory Street, at 2pm. For more information contact Mr Williamson on 01206 577921.

Mr Williamson, who lives with his wife Barbara, 62, started the Friends of Wren House, which he lives opposite, and has close links with the 26 or so elderly people who live there.

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