Transport Minister Keith Hill has agreed to pay a high-profile visit to Canvey to hear the case for a third road off the island, it was revealed today.

After intense lobbying by MP Christine Butler , Mr Hill has pledged to spend some time on Canvey to experience the daily nightmare faced by thousands of motorists.

However, Mrs Butler has insisted that Essex County Council must take the first step in looking at all the options for a third access road.

Labour county councillors have already attached great importance to Canvey and its traffic problems, Mrs Butler added.

She said: "In political terms, we will do all we can and I am delighted Keith Hill has agreed to visit the island, though a date has yet to be set.

"This whole issue is quite hazy at the moment and it is vital that more people get their heads together to come up with the options and a feasibility study.

"Hopefully, we can then pick it up and run with it with all the speed we can."

Mr Hill, a junior minister in the Environment, Transport and Regions department, has been briefed on Canvey's transport issues by county councillor Ray Howard.

In a letter to Mr Howard, the minister said he understood the problems concerning restricted access to Canvey.

He said: "I can appreciate your concerns and understand the problems of the very restricted access to Canvey."

However, he urged Castle Point Council to enter into discussions with neighbouring authorities and take the lead in promoting the scheme.

He added: "Working out a satisfactory solution to the problems of Canvey is a matter for the local authorities in partnerships with the community, business, transport operators and others.

"I can give no promises about acceptance of particular projects in advance but I can assure you that any proposals will be carefully considered.

"The department is not in a position to promote schemes in areas where local authorities must take the lead."

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