A Basildon project which works with young women at risk fears it may lose out if £3 million cuts are made to social services funding.

Essex County Council was thrown into turmoil by the resignation of its ruling Lib/Lab administration in protest over a controversial "back of an envelope" budget voted in by Tory councillors.

Social services has been told to shave millions from its budget in the face of £9 million county deficit.

However, this could have a knock-on effect for young women in need of help in Basildon, project organisers today warned.

Vange-based Carli project fears any cut in cash to children's services could stop it reaching those who most need its help in the town.

Carli - Care or Advice Resources Liaison Information - was set up in 1984 and is managed by national charity RPS Rainer.

Together with sister project Catch, in Harlow, it works with girls aged 12-20 dealing with care placements, family troubles, drugs or abuse.

Many of the young women self-harm, have eating disorders, have attempted suicide or misuse substances.

Francoise Cosgrove, the project's manager said: "It seems a shame to cut preventive services when we know families today are under enormous pressure.

"The choices young women and adolescents face now are wider - there are more things on offer, which increases the dilemma.

More than 80 young women were helped by the Carli project last year, and there is a waiting list for this year.

Ms Cosgrove added: "If we don't help these young women early on, their problems could escalate."

A young woman involved with Carli who did not want to be named said: "Before I came to Carli I was suicidal and felt as if everything was too much for me.

"Now I can talk about what happened to me and I am thinking about the future.

"The project staff have helped me a lot."

An Essex County Council spokesman said no definite cuts had been decided on yet.

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