Parents are angry that High Ongar is to be left without a playground after the present one was condemned as dangerous.

Mother-of-five, Sarah Park, has called on the parish council to replace the play area in Millfield with other facilities for young people.

She said: "We already have a problem with troublesome children in this area. If there is even less for them to do there is even more chance that they will get into trouble."

We exclusively revealed that the old play equipment had been branded unsafe following an inspection by the National Playing Fields Association.

Warning notices were posted and the councillors immediately arranged to have the equipment removed. They heard that it would cost up to £30,000 to repair it.

Now the land, which is owned by Epping Forest District Council, will be grassed over.

But Mrs Park, whose children are aged from three to 13, said: "Councillors should ask the residents what they want. Maybe there should be facilities for skateboarding, roller-skating, bike riding or five-a-side football.

"Just to grass it won't solve the problem: it will turn into a quagmire."

Mrs Park, who lives in Millfield with her husband, Robert, a swimming coach, raised her protest with parish councillor Derek Berwin who unsuccessfully tried to obtain grants to replace the equipment.

He said: "I totally sympathise with Mrs Park and the other parents and appreciate they want to do something about it. The parish council just has not got the funds so we must hope that Epping Forest will help.

"It's vital for all parents to try everything to improve their own and their children's environs and to attempt to keep the few troublemakers under control."

No park life: Mrs Sarah Park, centre, with her children, from left to right, Kapritia, 11, Harrison, seven, Millana, three and Lauren, 13, at the condemned Millfield playground.

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