Singing bookie Martin Hooper knew he had odds on succeeding as an Elvis sound-a-like, when one audience member bet another £5 he wasn't miming.

He wasn't - and doesn't.

The wager took place at his first gig 18 months ago and since then his blue suede shoes have barely touched the ground, with each booking leading to another.

Now, after an appearance at the Ship pub in Leigh, he has been invited to perform in America at a festival which also features the Drifters, the Coasters and the Platters.

Martin, 32, of Westgate, Shoebury, is a manager of Wignalls, an independent bookmakers in Benfleet, but hopes to make the break into full-time performing this year.

He said: "My mother loved Elvis songs, so from birth I was brought up with him.

"I knew a lot of the songs. I used to sing along and at parties people used to say I sounded like him.

"But these were people I knew, so I took it with a pinch of salt. Then a friend's wife, who is a steward at a club, was organising a charity evening and asked if I'd come along and sing.

"All the others were miming - there were three blokes having a laugh doing a Three Degrees number. I said I wasn't going to mime, so I just sang three numbers.

"It went down really well, and afterwards when I went out the back to get changed, a bloke ran out after me and asked if I was miming.

"When I said I wasn't, he said he'd won a fiver, because he and someone else had a bet on it. That was a big confidence boost."

That first appearance was at Hadleigh Conservative Club, and since then he has had a stream of bookings.

He has perfected his act with backing tracks and stage outfits, though he stresses he is more of a sound-a-like than a lookalike.

It was at a private Christmas booking that the American opportunity arose.

Martin said: "A lady was there who said I ought to go out to the Cherry Blossom Festival in Georgia.

"The next thing I knew, I was getting all these forms about it. I go out there for a week and have a half-hour spot every day apart from the Wednesday when I do two half hour sessions.

"I thought there would be loads of people in America doing Elvis songs, but apparently that is not the case."

Rehearsals - singer Martin Hooper prepares for his next gig


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