A man from Harwich broke his neck in a swimming accident and only narrowly escaped death.

David Pells, 23, a second cook in the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, is now in traction at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, after he made a shallow dive into the water on a beach in Oman.

He hit his chin on the bottom and broke three vertebrae in his neck.

Mr Pells, of Kings Head Street, Harwich, is paralysed from the chest down but his family are hopeful his condition will improve.

However, he has already had to cancel his wedding to fiancee, Stephanie Smith, which was due to take place in July.

His mother, Teresa Pells, said his family were grateful he was still alive and praised Ricky Adams, also from Harwich, who was on the ship and who went to the aid of his friend.

"Ricky saw him lying face down in the water and waded over and turned him over - he was totally paralysed and could not move," she said.

"If he had not got to him so quickly he would have drowned. If it was not for Ricky, my son would not be alive."

Mr Pells had already taken in a great deal of water and had a collapsed lung because of it.

He was flown home after the accident and was poorly for several days.

Mrs Pells said he had improved greatly since then. He has already started to get movement back in his arms.

David was on the St Geraint, which had returned to the Gulf after Christmas. He was on an afternoon off when the accident happened.

"He just ran down the beach and went into the water - just like you see in Baywatch," added Mrs Pells.

She said all her family and friends had helped them get through a very difficult time. The family had also been contacted by many people sending cards and messages.

"Staff at Somerfield, where I work, have been marvellous and the lads on the ship had a whip round and sent the proceeds to Stephanie to help out."

David has been in the RFA for about four years.

Many of his family, including his father, Stephen, are fishermen and he followed the tradition of going to sea.

"He had everything going for him," added Mrs Pells. "He had just been promoted and was looking forward to getting married in the summer. Now that is on hold."

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