A thief walked away with an unexpected haul when he left a couple empty-handed and children disappointed on Christmas Day.

Keith and Sarah Skinner, of The Grove, Southend, each thought the other had picked up the bag of presents for their relatives.

They drove off, accidentally leaving the bag at the kerbside near their home.

By the time they realised the mistake and rushed back to retrieve them, their festive offerings had vanished. Keith Skinner, 40, was appalled at the lack of Christmas spirit.

He said: "If it had been me, I would have taken them and phoned the police. Most people would have done the same, it was obvious they were Christmas presents."

"The presents for the adults were mainly things like bath stuff - smellies and socks, but it was the children we were really upset for. I can't understand people taking presents like that.

"We weren't going to let it spoil the day, and I told them if the presents didn't turn up again, we'd buy them some more."

The gifts were in a yellow Toysmaster carrier bag. Anyone finding them is asked to return them to Southend police station.

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