Thieves fused a car alarm before they stole more than £4,500 worth of stereo equipment from Wayne Blackwell's pride and joy.

Now the 18-year-old has appealed for help to recover the goods which made his Citreon AXG2 an award-winning vehicle across Europe.

Wayne, 18, of Hobleythick Lane, Westcliff, discovered the well-organised theft as he set off to work at 5am.

He said: "I was gutted. When I walked out of the house to go to work, the first thing I saw was the front number plate was gone.

"Then when I checked the car I saw all the equipment had gone."

Wayne - who regularly cruises along Southend seafront - discovered thieves had fused the alarm to deactivate it.

A catalogue of state-of-the-art items were stolen including:

a 3.8 inch colour TV;

a CD video player;

two amps;

six speakers;

a graphic equaliser built into the floor of the car;

part of the alarm system;

a radio tuner and CD changer;

a remote control from the steering wheel;

60 CDs and four CD videos.

The four-seater hatchback was bought by Wayne four months ago from a friend after it had won the SEA European Sound Off finals, making it the best sounding car in Europe.

He has also entered the vehicle and won first prize in a Halfords competition at Rayleigh Weir two months ago.

Wayne added: "I'm convinced this has been done by someone I know because of how quickly it was taken and how it was done."

Anyone with information about the theft which happened between 3am and 5am on December 16 should ring PC Chris Bramhill at Southend police station on 01702 431212.

Stunned - Wayne sits desolate on his stripped car. Picture: STEPHEN LLOYD

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