Fire crews tackled a potentially explosive blaze in Sible Hedingham involving an electricity sub-station.

The fire - in Bewick Court - ripped through an adjoining garage block and refuse disposal point. Police are treating the blaze as of doubtful origin.

Crews first heard of the fire at 9.43pm on Thursday night but initial reports said it was a bin alight.

One fire engine from Sible Hedingham went to the scene and discovered the true extent of the blaze. Four engines were called for from Wethersfield and Halstead.

The garage block - which was 75 per cent destroyed - lies next to a block of flats. No-one had to be evacuated.

Assistant divisional officer Dave Warren, from Essex Fire and Rescue, said: "It had the potential to be very nasty.

"Thankfully only the roof of the electricity sub-station was alight. Had more been alight we would have stopped firefighting, especially with electricity at such a high voltage. We would have had to wait for electricity board officials to arrive."

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