Candles have become extremely popular for the millennium, but bring dangers to people more used to electric lights, warns Essex Fire Service.

Assistant Chief Fire Officer Tony Lilliott says there has been a big increase in candles of all different types for sale at the moment

"Candles are safe if used properly but we have had several fire incidents across the county in the last couple of weeks which perhaps show people are not aware of the dangers," he said.

He says it is essential candles are placed in a suitable holder, not foil which can get remarkably hot and cause combustion to the surface it is standing on.

"Keep them away from draughts, not near curtains or in range of Christmas decorations or on your tree. Most important never leave naked candles unattended and put them out if you leave the room.

"A candle left on a television set without proper holder can burn through the plastic and cause major fire. there was an incident like this in Chelmsford a couple of Christmases ago.

"There was a bad incident in Pitsea just this week again involving candles.

"Enjoy them but please be careful," he said.

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