It may be the season of goodwill for all men, but unfortunately not for all pets as one poor pooch discovered before he met a kindly Harold Hill family last week.

Biffa the Staffordshire bull terrier puppy is recovering after he was cruelly dumped in a rubbish bin and left to die.

Now his plight, and that of other more unlucky pets, is the focus of a strong seasonal annual RSPCA message reminding the public of the responsibilities as well as the joys of pet ownership.

For Biffa this Christmas is a lucky one after he was rescued by a passer-by from his cold prison and taken to Battersea Dogs' Home.

Biffa's new owner Donna Gibson, of Wednesbury Road, said: "He is lucky to be alive. If he had been left just an hour longer he would have died from the cold.

"The puppy had been named Trash by staff at Battersea but we didn't like that name so we called him Biffa after the Biffa bins."

The lovable pup is now eight-weeks-old and thriving thanks to his adoring new owners.

Donna said: "Biffa is doing really well. He has been with us for three weeks and he is well settled. He is always running around and can even jump onto the settee.

"We have always wanted a dog but as we lived in a flat for seven years we didn't think it would be fair. As soon as we moved, we started looking.

"We were due to pick up another dog but its previous owners reclaimed it.

"When Battersea contacted us and told us about Biffa we were delighted.

"Biffa is definitely a children's dog. My little boy Luke idolises him and they are always playing together."

But unfortunately, not all pets will be enjoying this Christmas.

RSPCA animal centres expect a surge in unwanted animals during and after the festive season.

For staff at these centres, dealing with these Christmas cast-offs will make January and February among the busiest times of year.

Regional manager Richard McCrow said: "It may be the season of goodwill towards all men, but what about animals?

"Every year we are shocked by the complete callousness and disregard with which some people treat their pets.

"It's not just animals being given as Christmas presents we are concerned about.

"Pets can be dumped on the street to make way for relatives at Christmas time.

"People also go away on holiday, leaving their pets to fend for themselves. Such actions are appalling. It is especially heartbreaking to see abandoned puppies and kittens being given the worst start in life."

A dog's life: Left for dead in a dustbin, a cleaned up and cared for Biffa is celebrating a new lease of life with owner Donna Gibson.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.