The running of one of south Essex's "green lungs" is to be left in the hands of Essex County Council.

Hadleigh Castle Country Park will be managed by the county council after it was decided to dissolve its joint management committee made up of members of Essex County Council, Castle Point Council and Southend Council.

A report to members of Southend Council said: "The Hadleigh Castle Country Park joint committee was created in 1972.

"The country park consists of land in the separate ownership of Essex, Southend and Castle Point councils as well as a central portion, which was purchased by the county council and held in trust for the joint committee.

"This area is jointly owned by the three constituent authorities and was purchased with the assistance of the Countryside Commission grant aid."

At the moment, Essex County Council pays 55 per cent of the park's running costs, Southend pays 30 per cent and Castle Point pays 15 per cent.

However, officers from the three councils have been talking and decided it would be better for one authority to run the park, although the other two councils would still contribute financially.

The report said: "It was agreed the most efficient approach would be to dissolve the current joint committee and for one authority to act as managing agent for the country park, with the other two councils contributing funds.

"As Essex County Council's Ranger Service runs the park, it is suggested that it would be the most appropriate authority to undertake this."

Southend councillors were worried there would not be enough local input into the running of the park if the joint committee was disbanded.

But it was agreed the senior ranger from Hadleigh Castle Country Park would go along to the meetings of the Southend nature conservation forum to keep it informed about what's going on.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.