The woman who masterminded a string of cash bids aimed at breathing new life into Southend has told the secret of her success.

Filomena Kettlewell, an economic development officer in Southend gave Castle Point's European liaison working party some tips on how to apply for funding.

In the past few years, Southend has won a number of handouts to boost regeneration in the area, including:

Objective two - up to £15 million of Euro cash could be on its way to combat poverty and boost business in five borough wards

European structural fund four - £120,000 has been offered to get town centre retailers working together to promote business

Single regeneration budget - more cash to regenerate urban poverty with £270,000 spent in Shoebury and £1.87 million lined up for Milton, Victoria and St Luke's wards

Education action zone - £3 million over three years to help Southend youngsters become top of the class

Area assisted status - eligible firms with less than 250 workers can get grants for 10 per cent of the construction costs on building schemes.

Castle Point has been included in the Government's assisted area scheme, paving the way for companies employing up to 250 people to win European and Government money to encourage growth.

Mrs Kettlewell said authorities hoping to net either Government or European cash should start small and build on any successes.

The next step was to keep in touch and look at economic development issues closely and build up as much information as possible on funding, bid preparation and relationships with partners and fund-holders.

Possible areas for investment could be tourism in the borough - providing the council can prove that full-time jobs would be created any proposals would be eligible for grant aid.

However, any plans for a fun-fair would not be appropriate because it would only create seasonal, part-time and possibly low-paid jobs.

Council officials from Southend could also be drafted in to help raw up a bid to boost Benfleet Conservation Area, Mrs Kettlewell said.

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