Gymnasts from the Wickford-based Carousel Club did well in two competitions recently.

When the regional finals of the out of age levels four and three were held at Hemel Hempstead Kerri Couzens, in the latter, scored the highest mark of the competition with her excellent bars.

This, along with the second highest beam score, gave her the overall bronze.

Danielle Shepherd, competing in level four, had the second highest bars score and missed out on bronze by 0.25 to take fourth place.

In the regional recreational apparatus finals, also at Hemel Hempstead, Helena Jackson had qualified on bars, beam and floor.

With outstanding performances she took a medal on each - gold on bars, silver for beam and bronze on floor.

(Right) Medal magic - from the Carousel duo of (left) Kerri Couzens (11) and 17 year old Helena Jackson.


Six-hit for South Essex grades squad

After the qualifying County round of the regional recreational grades, six South Essex gymnasts did well when competing in the apparatus finals.

In the 12 plus age group, Denise Grieve and Marie Calvert went through on all four pieces and Denise Whipp qualified for vault and floor.

In a reversal of their qualifying positions, Marie took gold on vault and beam with Denise triumphing on floor. Marie also took the silver on floor and bronze on bars, with Denise Whipp sixth on floor and ninth in the vault

In the eight - 11 age group, Faye Cobb was also a double gold medallist, taking bars and beam. She was fourth on floor. Amy Lomas collected silver on beam, while taking 13th vault place - one below Aimee Pulleston.

(Right) Nap hand - the fabulous five from Basildon's South Essex Gym Club (left to right): Faye Cobb (10), Denise Grieve (15), Denise Whipp (17), Marie Calvert (15) and Amy Lomas (11). Aimee Pulleston was unavailable when our photographer called.


Basildon duo in medal haul

In the Essex FIG Championships for age groups nine to 12, Amanda Parker and Kelly Martin, from Basildon's South Essex Club, were once again among the medals.

Amanda retained the championship and corresponding gold medal and Kelly took the bronze medal after collecting silver in 1998.

Amanda was also the top scorer on each piece of apparatus - vault, bars, beam and floor.

In the level two competition, Joanne Thompson and Laura Rose were second and third respectively in the in age (11-year-old) section.

In the regional out of age finals, held at Hemel Hempstead, Hayley Stibbs won the level two event competition. Kirsty Johnson took level four (10/11) and Tabitha Fowler level four (13-14). Stacey Penfold took silver in the level three (11-12) competition.

Hayley Waller, who had won the County level three (13-14) age group, also competed for South Essex.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.