Maldon MP John Whittingdale will watch the arrival of the town's Boxing Day hunt for the first time this year.

The traditional event will take place next Monday when the Essex Farmers and Union Hunt sets off from the High Street.

In the past anti-hunt protesters and supporters of the sport have lined the street to trade insults and last year police used video cameras as a deterrent to trouble makers.

Mr Whittingdale said he had been invited by the Countryside Alliance and would be watching the start of the meet.

He said : "This year the issue of fox hunting is very live and whilst I do not hunt and have never hunted, I support the right of the people's choice.

"In my view it's part of traditional country life which has been practised, particularly in our area, for centuries.

"It's part of the character of country life and I believe in the right of people to do it if they want to."


The hunt has met in the town for 60 years but last month a decision by town councillors to refuse permission for the High Street to be closed left plans for this year's event in the balance. District councillors refused to back their stand, however, so the hunt can meet in the town as usual.

An Essex Police spokeswoman said arrangements for a police presence were finalised this month.

She added: "It is a question of putting this and the other meets where we are needed in the diary, so we can be prepared.

"The sport evokes deep feeling and it's our responsibility to maintain law and order and remain impartial in what can often be a volatile situation."

The hunt meets at 11am in the High Street, which will be closed until noon.

Last Updated on Wed 22 December 1999 at 15:00

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