Pirate computer gear has been seized in two dawn raids on homes in Maldon.

Police officers and Essex Trading Standards swooped yesterday as part of Operation Cybergeek and seized personal computer hardware, labelling kits plus blank and copied CDs.

The haul also included computer games, console equipment, music CDs plus bogus business software kits, with a value estimated at tens of thousands of pounds.

The full value of the seized goods will not be known until they have been analysed by the British Software Alliance.

Karen Fulcher, of Essex Trading Standards, said: "It was an important amount. We expect the value to be at least tens of thousands of pounds."

Operation Cybergeek has netted more than £300,000 of bootleg software and £30,000 of hardware in ten other raids across Essex so far, stopping a potential loss of hundreds of thousands of pounds to firms.

The raids were a joint effort between Essex Police, Essex Trading Standards and the British Software Alliance.

Karen Fulcher said at least half the Cybergeek investigations had come from intelligence gained during previous raids.

And from one raid 55 other software pirates were identified.

Operation Cybergeek has already targeted Braintree, Chelmsford, Frinton and Clacton since it was launched three months ago.

Steve Lynch, head of Essex Trading Standards, said: "Software piracy damages legitimate businesses and jobs. The net is tightening on bootleg pirates in the area."

As a result of yesterday's raids, two men will be formally questioned by Essex Trading Standards in the New Year.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.