Rockers will be teaming up to raise money for cancer research at a charity gig in Southend next Monday.

Nearly 20 musicians from different local bands will be performing under the umbrella name The Last Resort for a two-hour rock fest covering hits by Jimi Hendrix, Lenny Kravitz, and the Beatles at the Jack of Club's nightclub in Marine Parade.

The event has been put together by Anthony Woodman, a friend of many of the artists. Some of his friends and family, including his dad George, have died of cancer.

He hopes to raise £1,000 from the gig and said: "I wanted to get everybody together for the last time before the millennium to raise money for charity."

He thanked bosses at the club for their help.

Tickets for the gig cost £4 each and are available from Fives record shops in Rayleigh High Street and The Broadway in Leigh and at Honky Tonk Music in Southchurch Road in Southend.

They are also available by ringing 01702 343264.

Banding together - some of the musicians who are linking up for a millennium gig in aid of cancer research


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