A Laindon girl has taken a giant step on the road to recovery after meeting her pop idols.

Teen sensation Steps invited nine-year-old Nikki Ryan of Powell Road, Laindon, for a VIP day out after London's Heart FM received a letter from her parents.

In the letter, Nikki's dad, Gerald, said it was his daughter's dream to meet the band.

Nikki, who goes to Millhouse County Junior School in Tavistock Road, suffers from chronic arthritis and has to inject steroids every day to help her walk.

Top breakfast DJ Jonathan 'Jono' Coleman and colleagues were so inspired by her courage, they lined up the day with chart-toppers Claire, Faye, Lisa, H and Lee.

Nikki said: "They were all really nice. I have always wanted to meet them. I like their songs and I really like their dances, especially Tragedy.

"The night before I to the studio I couldn't sleep. Everytime I closed my eyes I was thinking about meeting them. Now I keep watching the video over and over again - my friends are really jealous."

Nikki took the day off school and visited Heart FM's studios in Notting Hill, London.

She was treated to a slap-up meal with the band and sat in on a live interview in the studio - all caught on camcorder by Nikki's proud parents. The family are also looking forward to an all-expenses-paid trip to Disneyland Paris in the new year.

Gerald Ryan, Nikki's dad, said it had been an unbelievable early Christmas present. He said the band had spent nearly two hours with Nikki.

He said: "She will never forget it. After hearing she had won, Nikki went into school and her class all stood up and clapped.

"The band were brilliant. They met her and said 'right, come on Nikki, come with us.' They went up into the studio and were just mucking about with her and were so down to earth."

Mr Ryan said Nikki has battled against arthritis since she was five. She regularly visits Great Ormond Street in London for check-ups.

He said: "It affects all her joints. She was in a wheelchair for quite a while which really knocked her confidence but now she is much better.

Radio presenter David Kid Jensen said: "Nikki was a charming girl, friendly, chatty and I am delighted we could make her Christmas special."

A moment to remember - Nikki pictured being entertained at the studio by teen band Steps

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