A Health service beds crisis is forcing pensioners from mid-Essex into Tendring - as the homes they want to go to do not have enough room.

Elderly people waiting in hospital for a move into residential care in the mid-Essex area are being offered an interim place in homes in Tendring.

They will stay in Tendring while waiting for a vacancy at the home of their choice.

NHS and social services have guaranteed that no-one would move before Christmas unless they were happy with the arrangements.

There are 23 pensioners in Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, who no longer need hospital treatment and are waiting to move to residential care with funding from social services.

Health bosses said the move was part of preparing for the usual peaks in demand for beds over winter.

Mid Essex Hospital Services Trust, North Essex Health Authority, Essex Social Services and Age Concern Advocacy are involved in the move.

Health authority chief executive Nigel Beverley said: "We realise these temporary placements mean people could be away from their family and friends for a while.

"With that in mind, the Trust is arranging door-to-door car transport for up to three visits a week for family and friends for the entire period of stay.

"These short-term moves will not change the long-term arrangements for each person."

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