A surprise challenge for the leadership of Colchester Council is set to be launched.

The council's largest political group - the Liberal Democrats - has invited nominations for all its key posts.

And it is widely understood there will be a challenger for the post of group leader, currently held by councillor Colin Sykes, who is also council leader.

Councillor Terry Sutton, planning and transportation chairman, is understood to be keen to get the top job.

It is thought he wants to get the council moving more quickly with projects in the new millennium.

And he is believed to have indicated he will go head to head with Mr Sykes and force a vote for the leadership.

Both men fought for the leadership two years ago. Mr Sykes won but insiders believe next time it may not be so clear cut.

The group would normally invite nominations for its key positions in February but has decided to start the process early so they are in place before the new style cabinet council is due to to be approved.

Current group secretary Bill Frame, said: "We have brought the nomination process forward by a month because we feel the need to get things in place before the cabinet is due to be ratified by the full council in February.

"Anybody within the group is entitled to put themselves forward to challenge any of the four jobs."

The party's four posts up for grabs are: group leader (Colin Sykes'post), deputy group leader (currently held by Jenny Stevens), group secretary (held by Bill Frame) and group chairman (held by Ray Gamble).

Nominations have to be made by January 14 and if more than one person goes for a position Lib Dem borough councillors will hold a secret ballot.

Mr Frame confirmed he would put his name forward for group secretary and Mr Sykes has indicated he will nominate himself for group leader. Mr Sutton declined to comment.

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