Assurances have been given that there is a need for a threatened old people's home in north Essex.

But Essex County Council's social services chairman Pat Pascoe has written to Lawford Parish Council warning the running costs of Foundry Court must be reduced if it cannot be leased out.

In a letter to Monday's meeting of Lawford Parish Council, Pat Pascoe said it had been shown there was no suitable alternative accommodation.

The only way to reduce costs, she added, would be to de-utilise the home, which would be difficult, expensive and disruptive for the residents.

Five months ago the county announced its proposal to close Foundry Court because of high running costs.

Lawford chairman, Brian Rolfe, said: "At least they have acknowledged the need, which is a move forward."

Ken Edwards, who co-ordinated the protests, said Mrs Pascoe seemed to be saying the home would not be closed but also they could not afford it.

He was worried about the lack of consultation, an opinion shared by Manningtree town councillors at the meeting.

The fate of the Colchester Road home will not be known for another month.

Deputy mayor Ken Scott said they had still not been told anything officially by the county council.

"There seems to have been a lack of consultation over the whole issue," said Mr Scott.

Residents reacted angrily and more than 3,000 people signed a petition in protest and at least 220 people attended a public meeting in Ogilvie Hall.

She said: "All I have heard so far tends to show that cost reduction would be very difficult."

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