Magistrates from all over Tendring staged a wake to mourn the passing of the Tendring bench.

On December 31 the bench will cease to exist and serving magistrates will become part of a centralised North East Essex Court - sitting in Harwich and Colchester.

Bryan Mathews, who hosted the wake at his Clacton home, said: "Since the vigorous campaign to retain the local courthouses in Clacton failed in 1997 local justice as we know it has ceased to exist.

"From January 1 the new bench of 130 magistrates will strive to dispense justice for the whole of north east Essex."

But Mr Matthews said the wake was not just for mourning, but for magistrates past and present to celebrate their endeavours of the years.

Reg Barton, who served as chairman of the Tendring bench for many years from 1968, said that he had witnessed many changes since taking up his post as a magistrate in 1952.

And he urged those who serve on the newly convened bench to approach the new challenges with a positive manner.

Mr Mathews has been chosen to serve as the first chairman.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.