The goalpost campaign run by This Is Essex partner paper the Evening Gazette might be featured on television after veteran presenter Esther Rantzen pledged to take up our fight for new safety measures.

Miss Rantzen says she has been "appalled" by recent tragedies, including the death of a seven-year-old footballer in West Yorkshire.

And she has promised to take a copy of a letter written by Witham mum Brenda Smith - who helped launch our campaign - to her production team.

Mrs Smith, of Tees Close, lost her 11-year-old son, Jonathan, eight years ago after a mobile goalpost toppled over and ruptured his heart.

The perils of insecure equipment were featured on Miss Rantzen's That's Life TV series at the time of Jonathan's accident.

And the anchorwoman claims she remembers the incident "vividly".

Mrs Smith said: "The people at That's Life sent out fact sheets and I had a had a fair bit of media coverage but, it was not enough.

"Every time I hear of another loss of life, especially a child, I cannot put into words the way I feel because it all seems so needless.

"The most recent death of the seven-year-old hit me extremely hard as this is the same age as my daughter is now and I can relate to the tragic circumstances. As Esther was so supportive last time I wondered whether she had any suggestions."

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.