A nightclub doorman rescued a mystery party-goer from a freezing river.

Joe Brewster risked his life to save the man from the River Colne in Colchester

Mr Brewster was working on the door of the Ghost nightclub in East Street when a friend of the man ran up to him to say he had fallen in.

The river runs behind the nearby Quality Hotel, formerly the Mill Hotel.

The 29-year-old, of High Woods, Colchester, said: "I went to the bridge and saw him in the middle of the river. He was flowing down it.

"I had to run down towards the road and along the bank to shout at him to calm down.

"He was confused and not with it. He was bobbing up and down and couldn't swim. The bank was too high for me to jump down. I looked down and it was too dark. He was going along with the current."

Mr Brewster, who is head doorman at the club, then called 999 on his mobile phone at around 1am on Saturday.

He then saw a ladder attached to a wall on the river bank, climbed down and waded in, determined to rescue the man.

"I just grabbed out for him and hauled him in toward the ladder, with some help from staff."

Hotel workers took the man inside, wrapping him in blankets and keeping him warm until an ambulance arrived.

Mr Brewster, who works as a steel erector in London during the day, said: "I did not really think about it until the next day when everyone said 'well done'. I'm not one to brag about anything, it's nothing really."

The mystery man, in his mid to late 20s, was at the venue, formerly known as L'Aristos, for an office party, possibly organised for a firm of local estate agents.

Were you the victim?

Are you the mystery reveller whose life was saved by doorman Joe Brewster?

Reeves Watson, general manager of Ghost, is offering the man a free night at the club and bottle of champagne if he comes forward.

Mr Brewster would also like the opportunity to meet the man.

Mr Watson said: "I was unaware of what was happening as I was in my office. Until I came down and saw the man covered in mud from head to foot. I'm very proud of Joe."

Contact Tania Cocksedge at the Gazette on 01206 508167 or 01206 508429.

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