Colchester Sixth Form College had plenty to celebrate at its awards evening.

While outstanding success in examinations was justly praised, there were many other achievements marked in the Charter Hall.

Speaking to more than 550 parents and students, Principal Ian MacNaughton said students' examination successes were outstanding by local and national standards.

Of the 800-plus students who took A-levels, the average points score was 19.2 - equivalent to just under the grades B, C, C - and the pass rate was 92 per cent. Those achievements were ahead of all other non-selective institutions in East Anglia, he said.

The top hundred academic achievers gained an average score of 38 - equivalent to nearly three As and a B grade - higher than than the top 100 students in any school in the country.

Eight students successfully gained the grades to enter Oxford and Cambridge Universities and 15 got places at medical schools.

Praising the students' hard work during their studies, Mr MacNaughton stressed all aspects of success were valued, not just examination performance.

He said: "The best advertisement for the Sixth Form College has always been its students, and you have been excellent ambassadors."

In what had probably been the best two years in the college's sporting history, 200 students had been involved in 12 different sports, with 30 students representing the county in national competitions.

Praising the students' hard work during their studies, Mr MacNaughton stressed all aspects of success were valued, not just examination performance.

The determination and commitment of the students - who sometimes had to work in difficult circumstances - was recognised through the announcement of 100 prizewinners.

Staff were impressed and heartened by the concern students showed for people less fortunate than themselves and the practical ways in which they had expressed those feelings to help the disadvantaged.

Mr MacNaughton said: "The best advertisement for the Sixth Form College has always been its students, and you have been excellent ambassadors. We are proud of you."

Principal guest Professor Ivor Crewe, vice chancellor of the University of Essex, praised the college's achievements in his speech.

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