People living in the Ongar and North Weald area have been alerted to be on guard against Scrooge thieves who can ruin Christmas.

The warning - good advice for all Essex residents - has come from local crime reduction officer Tony Ellis, formerly a police sergeant in the town.

Mr Ellis, who is based in Epping, said: "This is the time of year when most people are gathering together their savings to spend on Christmas presents and enjoying themselves over an extended holiday period.

"The thief also looks forward in anticipation of the rich pickings to be found."

He said simple precautions would prevent hundreds of people being robbery victims over the next few weeks.

"Most thieves are opportunists: they only succeed because the victim has handed it to them on a plate."

Mr Ellis warned how sneak thieves target:

CARS: Lock them at all times, fit an immobiliser and keep brightly wrapped Christmas gifts out of sight, preferably in the boot.

HOMES: Don't leave packaging lying around which will alert thieves to the expensive presents you have received. Fold it up and put it in the dustbin. Keep gifts out of sight, mark them with your postcode and put warning stickers in the window; photograph valuables.

CASH: Draw only small amounts from your bank and don't leave any money in your house even if you think a thief could not possibly find it. Banks have taken special steps to ensure cash machines are fully stocked.

MOBILE PHONES: The thieves' favourite targets. Mr Ellis says: "The sight of an unaccompanied mobile on full view in a car seems to drive them into a frenzy: Take your phone with you or lock it in the glove compartment."

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.