Chelmsford Highway had reason to celebrate on Saturday despite going down to old rivals Canterbury.

Defeat for Doncaster who are rooted to the foot of the table, means that Chelmsford are assured of maintaining their Premier Division status next season.

It is great news to take into the mid season break knowing that the pressure is off when the league resumes after the indoor season finishes at the beginning of February.

The game itself was fast, tense and exciting. Canterbury began brightly and took full advantage of a very sluggish start by Chelmsford.

The home side took an early lead when Christina Halsop fired in from the top of the circle following a decisive move.

Rocked by conceding a goal in the opening minutes, the visitors found it difficult to settle or stamp their mark on the game.

Canterbury's passing was better and GB international Mel Clewlow dominated the game for a while and proved to be almost impossible to get past at the back.

It was no surprise when her run set up Alsop to claim a second goal for the Kent team and leave Chelmsford with a mountain to climb.

To their credit however, Chelmsford began to put together some promising moves, and they started to win tackles and put pace into their passing.

For the final 15 minutes of the half, Chelmsford were the better side but were unable to press home the advantage with a goal.

Chelmsford made the perfect start to the second half, and got a goal back within two minutes of the re-start.

Tracy Wilmore beat two opponents, before slipping the ball to Lynn Bollington who beat the goalkeeper at the near post.

Chelmsford then began to play some of the best hockey they have played this season.

Then, against the run of play midway through the second half, Clewlow re-established a two goal lead for the home side when she fired the ball in from a penalty corner.

Chelmsford battled on, and were rewarded when Wilmore was again the provider for Bollington to score.

This time Wilmore hammered in a cross and Bollington deflected the ball home.

The goal set up a storming final 10 minutes when Chelmsford virtually lay siege to the Canterbury goal.

Coach Pete Fordham took off a defender and threw on an extra attacker in an attempt to grab an equaliser. Chances came for Chelmsford but despite going close, they could not break through again.

Lorraine Marsden was closest but she was unlucky to see her shot fly just inches over the bar.

If Chelmsford had grabbed a last gasp equaliser it would have been no more that they deserved.

Canterbury were hanging on at the end and were relieved to hear the final whistle.

Chelmsford's initial disappointment was somewhat lifted when the result from Doncaster came through and they learned that their main objective for the season had been achieved.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.